I am a 4th year PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at the University of Michigan. My research interests span Development Economics, and Public Economics with a focus on education, inequality, externalities, and the design and evaluation of public policies.

I previously worked as a research assistant at CREST, the Department of Economics of Ecole Polytechnique and ENSAE. I hold master's degrees from Ecole Polytechnique and HEC Paris, and completed my undergraduate degree at the Toulouse School of Economics.



Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality?

(with Brian Hill)

Management Science, 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Working Papers

The Long Shadow of Early Education: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the Philippines

(with Dean Yang)

Presented at the North East Universities Development Consortium (NEUDC) 2024 Conference

Abstract (click to expand)

Work in progress

Externality Correction with Distributional Concerns

(with Ashley C. Craig & Dylan T. Moore)

Colonizer Identity and Economic Development: Evidence from the Scramble for Africa

Abstract (click to expand)